These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A reincarnation of the titanic, These Broken Stars put a new sci-fi twist of the story of romance and tragedy. Meagan Spooner and Amie Kaufman, team up to spark new light on this magnificent; stunning adventure of courage, fear, survival, and love be on hope.
The Icarus is deemed to be the best, safest spaceship flying through space. But then...catastrophe strikes.
“The Icarus is falling. She’s like a great beast up in the sky, and I imagine her groaning as she wallows and turns, some part of her still fighting, engines still firing in an attempt to escape gravity.”
Two people manage to reach escape pods - Lilac LaRoux, the daughter of the richest man in the universe; and Tarver Merendson, a dedicated war hero. Crash landing on a mysterious, supposedly uninhabited planet, Tarver and Lilac have to accept their differences if they want to stay alive and be rescued.
The style of writing was unbelievably amazing full of detail and emotion. The chaos and beauty intertwined throughout this story makes it vivid and real in the reader’s mind.
Much like the titanic the main woman role is a rich, pampered, and misunderstood brat. Lilac’s character is not the most likeable but she doesn’t have her moments through the book. The way she stand up for the things she believes and the way she take risks, show how strong she truly is. Her transformation is visible as the story progresses. As for the man role of this story, choosing a war decorated soldier was a nice unaccepted delight on this soon titanic retelling. Tarver, the boy next door type, home grown is just amazing and he makes you fall for him automatically. How anyone would or even could hate him is totally unbelievable but Lilac found a way and for good reason. Their social class pin them into the animosity and hatred. But being stranded alone can make a person change their mind or at least let them truly show how they felt but couldn’t say. Tarver and Lilac make an epic team and the spark between them is enchanting.
However all the excitement of this book takes a while to accumulate and so the beginning of the whirl wind adventure doesn’t start till the ship starts to fall. At this point there is a lot of scene building and character detailing. Also the romance was kind of slow build as well, just kiss her already.
I did find myself enjoying this incredible read despite the slow progress. I recommend this book to all hopeless lover romance types, if you loved the titanic then this story is for you.
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